GitLab Slack application


  • Introduced in [GitLab Enterprise Edition] 9.4.
  • Currently only configurable for, it will not work for on-premises installations. You can configure the Slack slash commands service instead. We're working with Slack on making this configurable for all GitLab installations.

Slack provides a native application which you can enable via your project's integrations on


Keep in mind that you need to have the appropriate permissions for your Slack team in order to be able to install a new application, read more in Slack's docs on Adding an app to your team.

To enable GitLab's service for your Slack team:

  1. Go to your project's Settings > Integration > Slack application (only visible on
  2. Click the "Add to Slack" button

That's all! You can now start using the Slack slash commands.


After confirming the installation, you, and everyone else in your Slack team, can use all the slash commands.

When you perform your first slash command you will be asked to authorize your Slack user on

The only difference with the manually configurable Slack slash commands is that all the commands should be prefixed with the /gitlab keyword. We are working on making this configurable in the future.

For example, to show the issue number 1001 under the gitlab-org/gitlab-ce project, you would do:

/gitlab gitlab-org/gitlab-ce issue show 1001